The aim of the workshop is to acquaint employers and their employees with the basic specifics of individual impairments of persons with different disabilities: visual, hearing, physical, mental impairments, intellectual disabilities, ADHD.


We want to improve the opportunities of people with disabilities for the purpose of independent living and easier entry into the labor market, as well as raise public awareness of their abilities.


Replacement quota can be achieved through business cooperation agreement with CookLook, in which more than half of the employees are people with disabilities.


CookLook j.d.o.o. was founded by the Association of the most sensitive in training – UNUO.

CookLook provides training and counseling services on the correct, effective approaches needed to communicate and work with people with disabilities. Through our interactive workshops, employers and employees can acquire practical knowledge about the promise of people with disabilities as well as their specific needs.

There is a lot of potential in people with disabilities. With the right approach, their skills can be developed in ways that lead to competitiveness in the labor market, a more independent lifestyle and sense of belonging. They just need to be given a chance.



  • Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom za pomoćna zanimanja u ugostiteljsko turističkom smijeru
  • Interaktivne edukativne radionice za gospodarstvenike i njihove zaposlenike u svrhu ispunjenja zamjenske kvote
  • Employment of persons with disabilities for auxiliary occupations in the hospitality and tourism sector
  • Interactive educational workshops for entrepreneurs and their employees for the purpose of fulfilling the replacement quota


Vedran Habel je predsjednik UNUO-a i direktor CookLooka. Već 14 godina svoje znanje ulaže u usavršavanje. Sudjeluje u interaktivnim radionicama kao viši stručni savjetnik .

Inkluzija je cilj našeg djelovanja. U interaktivne radionice uključeni su naši zaposlenici s invaliditetom te djeca i mladi s poteškoćama u razvoju koje osposobljavamo za samostalan život.

Naše radionice stvaraju neprocjenjivo iskustvo, s puno druženja, radosti i emocija.

Glavno jelo -sudionici su stavljeni u poziciju slijepih osoba i osoba s tjelesnim teškoćama dok su recepti bili prilagođeni teškoćama dis-kalkulije

Vedran Habel is the president of UNUO and director of CookLook. For 14 years, he has been investing his knowledge in training.He participates in interactive workshops as a senior expert advisor .

Inclusion is the goal of our activity. Our employees with disabilities and children and young people with developmental disabilities who we train for independent living are included in the interactive workshops.

Our workshops create an invaluable experience, with lots of socializing, joy and emotion.



Glavno jelo -sudionici su stavljeni u poziciju slijepih osoba i osoba s tjelesnim teškoćama dok su recepti bili prilagođeni teškoćama dis-kalkulije

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